Friday, 22 November 2013

Quest #19 Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk is one of my favourite Fairy Tales because Jack is willing to take risks.
Build a beanstalk from Jacks house to the Giants Castle.

Get some friends together and act out Jack and the Beanstalk in Minecraft.

How high can you go?  Watch a real bean grow in fast time.

You can grow your own beanstalk at home!

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Quest #18 Word Builder

WORD Builder
This week challenge is to build giant words. 
Try show the words meaning by using colours and materials to help explain the idea.

Here are some ideas:
Common Nouns: lawn, water, cow, lava

Feelings: happy, sad, excited, angry

Remember to send me a screenshot of your word and get it on the blog.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Quest #17 Secret Base

Secret Base
Steve needs a secret base with hidden rooms to plan his zombie attack!

Build a secret base, with hidden rooms, secret doors and traps.

Tips and tricks for building a secret base
- If you break the block behind a painting, it will stay in place and you will be able to walk right through it.
- hide a door button on carved stone
- use a water elevator

Do you have any more good secret based tips?  
Tell us in the comments.

Thanks to Cameron for the secret base idea, and check out his awesome secret base!

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Quest #16 Build a Bridge

A bridge makes it possible to cross from one place to another.
Build a bridge that takes your players on an adventure crossing.
Copy a bridge from real life or create your own.

Learn more about bridges here.  And about different types of bridges here.
Watch this video about bridges to learn more.